School pack

Engage with your students in live workshops by reviewing CAO models at scale 1:1. Animate your distant courses thanks to its collaborative mode.

1 licence Studio + VR*

+ 15 licences Studio**


* For teacher Workstation
** For pupils Workstation

Student seat

Use the most intuitive & powerful 3D review software to validate your 3D projects

1 licence Studio


* Student Card and e-mail needed

Professors & institutions program

Professor & institutions

Give your Students the opportunity to master the softwares they will require during their career!

Weviz Professor & institutional program gives you the tools to show & review 3D projects collaboratively with your students

The future of 3D collaboration!

WEVIZ® is an intuitive 3D design review software bringing new ways to collaborate around 3D projects. Fast, realistic and intuitive, it gives the opportunity for you and your students to present & interact with your 3D projects.

People trying Weviz educational program for students


Learn the best ways to present & interact as a team around your 3D projects!

Weviz Student programs gives you the opportunity to try Weviz software functionalities, & take a step further into your 3D career!

To join our program, you have to make sure to send us :

– A student card to your name

– An email address (where we will send your licence)

Student licences are for personal use only. If you want to use these licences for commercial use, we invite you to contact us at or to buy one of our softwares on our shop

Professionals use Weviz softwares regularly!

Teach 3D collaboration with ease

"Weviz gave us the opportunity to visualize realistically our new building and to find all of our previous conception mistakes"

Find out more about Weviz Softwares


Product Weviz Studio

Import, Prepare & Share


Weviz Review

Join & Review


Picture of Weviz VR option for Weviz Studio & Weviz Review

Add-on to review in VR

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