3D Visualisation accessible to all!

The power of realtime for 3D presentations

Design choices

Make Design choices

Import your CAD models and showcase different design and material iterations. No need to wait: images are clalculated on the fly!

Sales presentation

Create sales presentation

Present your design versions to your clients and discuss adjustments before starting to build the product

3D Video shots

3D video shots

Create smashing product videos from your 3D files in a few seconds.
No need to be an expert anymore to create professional product/machine 3D video shoots!

Key features

Multiformat Import

Import all of your 3D files, from Native or exchange formats

Rhino, SolidWorks, Inventor, Creo, Catia, Alias, SketchUp, Blender, Siemens NX and much more are compatible!

Realistic materials

WEVIZ VIRTUAL STUDIO contains hundreds of hyper realistic material in its Library. Add them to your model with a simple drag’n’drop.

You can also create and customize your own materials.

Realistic materials
HDR environements Weviz

HDR Environments

Select the most relevant environment to showcase your project thanks to Weviz HDR environment Library. Add your own HDR environment in a few seconds and choose a 3D ground to create perfect shots!

Mechanical Constraints

Add mechanical constraints to your 3D model (slide, rotations) to manipulate is in realtime.

Mechanical constraints

Lights and 3D Props

Add realistic lightings and 3D mannequins to add a final touch of realism to your scene! WEVIZ VIRTUAL STUDIO supports raytracing realtime technology to create cutting edge renderings.

3D Review mode

Prepare your design versions and save them as slides. Set your materials, 3D model variations, part positioning. You can add titles, comments and measurements, and choose a relevant viewing angle. Thanks to Weviz Virtual Studio, create interactive and effective design reviews!

Add a VR option

Want to see your scene at true scale? Connect your VR headset to your computer and launch Weviz Virtual Studio. You’ll be immersed in your project to validate its true proportions and ergonomics.

Navigate in VR thanks to the teleportation function and take height with the “elevator” tool.

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Hardware requirements

To get the best graphical performances, Weviz uses RayTracing technology. Use a Nvidia RTX GPU and get hypere realistic results!


Weviz for furnitures and booths

"Weviz gave us the opportunity to visualize realistically our new booths and find all of our previous conception mistakes"

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