Is VR adopted by different industry sectors?
Virtual Reality adoption is much faster in industrial fields than for gaming or other mass market applications. This adoption confirms the true value brought by Virtual reality, being validation at scale 1 of 3D projects. About 36% of respondents are declaring they are currently thinking adding Virtual reality to their current processes or believe that this will naturally be part of they tool chain during the next 1 to 3 years. The penetration is expected accelerate during 2019 as the industry is currently active to transform itself through digitalisation of processes and tools.
Industry 4.0 concept is currently a true strategic area for companies. 23% of the professionals indicate that Virtual reality is part of the important to extremely important fields to stay competitive against competition within that transformation. It especially appears as a key differentiation value proposition within the collaborative conception, design and production processes.
Main VR use cases are reported to be in development and product design (39%), security and training (28%), remote distance collaborative work (20%), or virtual assembly during création and design process (18%). At WEVIZ®, our product design users make it clear to us in their feedback that they noticed major time gain during their creation process, and even more during the validation time of those projects with their internal or external customers.
However, even if the current VR adoption curve is positive, there are still barriers for organizations to take the step. 20% of the decision makers mention prohibitive cost as the main one.
WEVIZ® fully acknowledges this situation and thus proposes a range of product that are answering both the cost of deployment issue as well as the fact that the VR users are not VR experts anymore. WEVIZ® is a VR solution designed for Product designers, projects managers, product marketing teams who did not have usable tools so far even when they need to visualize and discuss their 3D projects at scale one. WEVIZ® delivers an intuitive, fast and powerful solution which is truly usable on a daily basis, autonomously, compared to previous powerful but complex immersive solutions.
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